


From China's manufacturing to China's intellectual creation, what is the plan for MOOKRAY?

Date: 2018-07-18
Views: 11

From China's manufacturing to China's intellectual creation, what is the plan for MOOKRAY?

Once upon a time, the most common impression that “Made in China” gave foreign consumers was “mass production” and “poor quality”. Even many people who travel abroad are very worried that the items they buy will be printed “Made in China”. However, as China proposes a century-long goal of transforming from a manufacturing power to a manufacturing powerhouse, "Made in China" has begun to make great strides toward "China's quality" and "China's wisdom", injecting new impetus to China's economic development and to the world. Highlight the new image of "China's wisdom".

Generally speaking, the following ten path directions are the only way for China to manufacture China's intellectual creation, and it is also the road to innovation in Guangdong and Hong Kong.

First, lean

Lean production, which originated from Toyota's production management method TPS, was originally designed for the individual needs of multiple varieties and small batches. Its two pillars are “just-in-time” and “intelligent automation”. And, we have to admire Toyota's foresight as early as 50 years ago.

So far, Lean has evolved into a lean management philosophy and methodology that spans the entire value chain of marketing, R&D, supply chain, production, process and even entrepreneurship, driving the transformation of global industries. From manufacturing to service industry, the ideas, methods and tools that it seeks to “create value and eliminate waste” promote the optimal allocation of production resources and achieve rapid improvement in quality, efficiency and response speed.

Intelligent manufacturing cannot be built on this inefficient production model. Lean is the first step that must be taken, and it is the path with the highest return on investment. Because Lean does not require companies to make additional investments, simply reconfiguring production resources on an existing basis can yield an unexpected return.

The successful implementation of Lean is not difficult. The key lies in the determination of leadership and the change of management concept.

Second, standardization

Standardization is the foundation of automation and the premise of intelligent manufacturing.

Common strategies such as shared platforms and common parts in the automotive industry have greatly reduced product costs. In 2000, Toyota launched the "CCC21" plan, which changed the original parts production based on the whole vehicle to the method of manufacturing the parts according to the parts, that is, the standardized parts were mass-produced, and it was successful in three years. Reduce costs by 30%.

In contrast, domestic companies do not pay attention to or realize the importance of standardization. Many types of product parts and components of the company are astounding. For example, there are dozens of hundreds of specifications for simple screws and packaging cartons. How can the inventory and component costs be low? There is no control at all from the beginning of R&D design. When developing a new product or changing a person, you will add new parts at will, lacking a standardized process and product database.

Standardization also includes standardized workflows and methods of operation, and McDonald's is typical of this. With standardization, automation can be developed accordingly, such as automatic welding, automatic assembly, assuming that components are ever-changing, and the way of operation is not fixed, automation will be difficult to achieve, even if the implementation cost is high.

Third, modular

Automobiles and computers are the first to achieve modularity. From modular design, modular procurement to modular production, modularity is also the key to intelligent manufacturing that can achieve low-cost personal consumption.

Modularity reduces the complexity of design, procurement, and production. Standardized interfaces and connections increase versatility, reduce manufacturing costs and cycles, and automate production, logistics, and information communication. For example, in the past, the chargers of each mobile phone brand were different, and all the mobile phones were thrown away, which caused a lot of waste, and now there is improvement.

Real estate is also developing in this direction. Vanke learns from Japan's practice and builds the building modules in the factory and then installs them on the construction site. The quality, cycle and cost have been greatly improved.

Modularity is a long-term job, so building a lean strategic partnership with each other is especially important.

Fourth, automation

Automation is the most talked about in intelligent manufacturing. Many local governments and enterprises have called it "machine substitution" and have made constant attempts, successes and failures.

Automation and informatization are the biggest part of smart manufacturing investment. Enterprises must be cautious before doing automation transformation. After many companies have invested, they find that the equipment is not mature enough, or the equipment that is launched is not easy to use. It is not as flexible and convenient as manual operation. As a result, hundreds of thousands and millions of invested equipment are put on hold. This kind of invalid investment may even be Drag and drop the enterprise.

As technology advances and labor costs increase, automation is an irreversible trend. For different industries and different enterprises, some have mature automation solutions, while others do not. Enterprises need to plan their automation direction according to their own situation. Starting from the part with the largest return on investment and the easiest to achieve, of course, we must combine the standardization and modularization mentioned above, and meet the requirements of lean production, optimize the corresponding production process, step by step, and do not rush, blindly follow the trend. .

V. Service

China currently has more than 600 million netizens and 700 million smart terminals. The booming mobile Internet has accelerated the transition from manufacturing to services. Industry 4.0 connects people, data and machines to form an open and global industrial network that transcends the manufacturing process and the manufacturing industry itself, across the entire value chain of the product lifecycle, covering aviation, energy, transportation, healthcare, etc. Multi-industrial field.

A typical case of service is GE's large-scale European airline Alitalia, which operates 145 aircraft and performs 16,000 flights a month through aircraft engine industry Internet big data analysis, saving $15 million in fuel costs a year. From hardware vendors to value-added service providers to maximize customer value.

For LED lighting companies, enterprises can also monitor, analyze and improve the design and manufacture of equipment through networked data of equipment to improve product reliability and efficiency.

Under the "Internet +" model, companies need to constantly innovate business models to find a service that suits them to impress customers.

Sixth, personalization

Personalization itself is not a new word. People began to make personalized products through hand workshops more than 100 years ago. The difficulty of personalization is the need to achieve low cost and high quality in mass production. Toyota's lean production part developed 50 years ago achieved this goal, resulting in higher quality and lower cost than mass production from multi-variety small batch to single-piece production.

Personalization depends on lean, standardized and modular design. At the same time, personalization also brings the complexity of information communication and transmission, and the information technology such as the fast-developing Internet provides support for it, making it easy to implement personalized.

At the current level, companies need to determine their own personalization model according to their level of leanness, standardization/modularization level and informatization level. It is not the more personalized, the better, it is based on certain implementation conditions. Perhaps the future of 3D printing and artificial intelligence can provide a possibility for complete personalization.

Seven, ecological

The most successful enterprise in ecologicalization is Apple. Apple uses Mac, iPhone, iPad, iWatch and other hardware and operating systems, iTunes, various application apps and other software to form an ecosystem that realizes people, people and equipment. Communication and interaction between devices and devices, through the use of hardware products to drive iTunes content consumption, to obtain long-term benefits.

An open ecosystem is the general trend. After the 3Q war in 2010, Tencent began to reflect on and open its platform system. So far, its ecosystem platform access applications have exceeded 4 million, and the platform partners' revenue score has exceeded 10 billion; Xiaomi learns from Apple's practice. The holistic approach of software, hardware and application ecology, while creating a new user experience, also overturns the traditional practices of Chinese manufacturing companies, achieving a $10 billion valuation from zero in three years.

In the Internet era, “openness, sharing, and win-win” has become a trend. In the early years, Toyota has formed a strategic partnership with suppliers through an open product design platform to achieve its extremely powerful supply chain system.

Eight, globalization

China's "One Belt, One Road" strategy is to find global market resources and export our surplus capacity including high-speed rail technology. The design resource is to set up a research and development technology center in foreign countries, develop products close to the local market or make up for the lack of domestic design capabilities. It can also form a global 24-hour uninterrupted product development to shorten the research and development cycle, such as Huawei, Haier, Lenovo and other enterprises. R&D institutions have been established abroad.

Procurement and production resources are looking for better quality, lower cost global supplies, and China has won the status of the world's factories by low cost in the past 20 years. But now the situation is changing. According to a survey conducted by the Boston Consulting Group, the countries with the lowest manufacturing costs are Indonesia, India, Mexico, Thailand, China and the United States. The manufacturing costs of China and the United States are almost the same.

In the process of globalization, manufacturing companies need to consider the increase in transportation costs, the complexity of the supply chain, the visualization of the supply chain, the extended delivery cycle, higher inventory, environmental carbon emissions, and stable quality. Sexuality, local labor policies, and exchange rate fluctuations.

Nine, digital

Digitalization is closely related to informatization. Like automation, this is the largest piece of investment in smart manufacturing transformation. With the rapid development of information technology, everything can be digitized, from people, products to equipment, to achieve all things connected.

People can be identified by face recognition technology, which was previously static, and can now be recognized as you move around. Recently, AI visual recognition technology developed by Google can identify the content of any photo and distinguish who is in the photo. In the future, people will be able to automate safety checks such as planes and entry and exit.

Products can be digitized through PLM/ERP software from product development and design, material procurement to production delivery. Each product drawing, each material information, and each production process are digitally connected.

This means that for the first time in the “Industry 4.0” era, it is possible to interconnect resources, information, goods and people through digitalization. This communication includes the exchange of information between people, people and products, people and machines, products and machines, machines and machines.

Due to the immature technology and huge investment, each enterprise needs to weigh the timing of the introduction. Like automation, it considers the issues of investment return, system reliability, information security risk, and talent reserve.

Ten, intelligent

China's manufacturing has gone through 30 years of rapid development and become the world's largest manufacturing country, but we still can't find a true world-class product. In the next 30 years, China's manufacturing needs to change from heavy speed and light quality to heavy quality and light speed. It needs continuous innovation in the above ten areas, and realizes the transformation from Chinese business model, technology and management to China's intellectual creation.


The third industrial revolution with the digitalization and intelligence of manufacturing as the core is coming, starting from processing trade, at the expense of excessive consumption of resources and environment, relying on low labor costs, lacking the "Made in China" image of core technology and pain of independent brands. As we are far away, “China's Smart Manufacturing” will become a new business card for China's manufacturing industry from the big to the strong, to achieve leap-forward development, to enter the world in terms of innovation and comprehensive competitiveness.

High quality is an important way for Guangdong and Hong Kong to develop and expand. It reflects the overall strength of the company from the perspective of market competition. As the main force to promote new technologies, new industries, and new formats, "China's wisdom" has been placed high hopes. For Guangdong and Hong Kong Model, we will pursue excellent quality, form brand-name products with independent intellectual property rights, continuously enhance brand value and the overall image of “Made in China”, and promote the transformation of Chinese products into first-class quality in China.


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